Belladonna homeopathic medicine helps nervous system, especially the brain and special senses, is very profound producing- active congestion, delirium, and per-version of sight and hearing.

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On the throat and skin, its action is marked by redness, heat, and dryness, corresponding to some cases of scarlet fever, and other eruptive fevers.

Belladonna Homeopathic Medicine is a useful remedy in acute brain affections or in fevers with brain complications; some similarity to Aconite Napellus.

But a study of the two remedies will reveal differences that must not be overlooked during correct prescribing. Many of the symptoms of Belladonna Homoeopathic medicine are definite, clean-cut, and unmistakable.

Table of Contents

Symptoms of Belladonna Homeopathic Remedy

Following are the symptoms as per different body organs which will help you to discover either belladonna is the major medicine or not.

Mind and Head

Delirium, excitement, and rage. Strikes and bites attendants. (Canth.) Sees frightful, hideous objects and tries to escape. Loses consciousness or falls to sleep which is interrupted by sudden start and screams. Constant moaning, with drowsiness. All senses are more acute. (Coffea.) Blood rushes to head with pain and throbbing; flushed face and throbbing in the neck. Sometimes pains are cutting and stabbing and much worse by walking, jar, noise, or light. Se dark room. Headache from the hot sun. Glon.) Pains often come and go suddenly.


Vision obscured, with pupils dilated. Intolerance of all light. Sparks and flashes before the eyes. Eyes feel dry with burning in lids. Inflammation with redness of the conjunctiva. Eyes staring, glassy, animated.

Ears & Nose

Tearing, throbbing pain in the ear, with sensitiveness to noise. Shooting in the right ear and right cheek. Acute catarrhal colds with dryness in nose and throat, headache, dry cough, heat, and redness of the nose. Sense of hearing and smell acute. Light and noise are unbearable. A sense of dryness in the nose and upper part of the throat is very characteristic.


Very red, hot and swollen as in erysipelas and scarlet fever. Spasms and twitching in the face. Cutting, tearing pain on the right side, with toothache worse in the evening. Swelling and redness of upper lip, with dryness of mouth and throat.

This sense of extreme heat of face and head, or of the skin in general, is a marked indication, especially so if the brain and throat symptoms correspond, which is often the case in scarlet fever. A careful differentiation must be made here, between Belladonna and Aconite.

Mouth Tongue & Throat

Dryness is the characteristic condition both of mouth and throat. So dry cannot articulate and swallow even water is difficult, yet a constant desire to swallow, although very painful.

The throat feels too narrow or constricted. Pain shoots to ear on swallowing. (Gels. Merc.) Tongue red, red, and white. Swollen, “strawberry tongue.”

Speech difficulty interrupted and stammering. Useful in early stages of sore throat with the redness, swelling, and dryness without exudation. Grinding of teeth in sleep, with children. (Cina.)

Stomach and Abdomen

Some thirst for cold water, but difficult to swallow. Nausea, with shooting, cutting pains in the stomach and abdomen. Neuralgia with tenderness. Cannot bear touch or jar, even bedclothes. (Lach.)

The transverse colon is distended like a pad. (Calc.) In peritonitis, appendicitis, and gall-stone colic, when the characteristic indications are present. In dysentery and diarrhea with tenesmus and straining; stool bloody and green mucus.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

Involuntary urination, especially with children in sleep. Retention of urine with burning and straining in parts.


Prolapsus of the uterus with constant bearing down in pelvis with heat and pain worse from the jar, walking, or riding.

Dysmenorrhea Inflammation of ovaries with heat and pain, with general indications for Bell. ; especially those about the head.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness with cold affecting the larynx, with a feeling of dryness and suffocation and dry constant cough, worse at night, 10 or 11 P. M. and always dry.

Valuable in whooping-cough and croup, when with every coughing spell the child gasps for air, face flushed and hot, tossing about with drowsiness and sudden starting.

The febrile pulse of Belladonna is generally full and frequent, not unlike Aconite Napellus. The post febrile pulse of Bell. is less full, more irregular, but with force and quickness.

Neck, Back and Extremities

Swelling and shooting pains in glands of the neck. Stiff neck as from cold. (Cimicif. Dulc.) Lumbago, with pain in hips. (Dulc. Rhus.) Pain and paralytic feeling in arms and similarly in lower extremities.

Symptoms of neuritis the sciatic nerve is painful and very sensitive to the slightest touch. The feet are often cold, even when in the acute febrile condition the head, body, and skin are hot.


Redness of skin, especially faces and cheek. The flushed face is characteristic. The rash is usually smooth and evenly red. Erysipelas of the smooth, red surface, skin hot and dry, with swelling and throbbing pain.


Sleep at night is interrupted by starts and fearful dreams; tossing about, sleepy but cannot sleep; grinding of teeth, hot head, and cold feet, with twitching of muscles; moaning as if in pain or trouble. The peculiar drowsiness may occur by day or night and often precedes an impending illness.


The fever of Bell, will not be confused with Aconite Nap Homeopathic Medicine. If the other symptoms are all considered. In scarlet fever, Belladonna often covers well the symptoms of the case and is generally indicated instead of Aconite, while the opposite is true in measles. After exposure to scarlet fever or in time of a serious epidemic. Bell, should be used as a prophylactic; for if it does not always prevent the disease, it will render it less virulent.

What are the Conditions of Belladonna Patient?

Better Conditions

Belladonna Homeopathic Medicine Patients’ symptoms get Better from standing or sitting erect.

Worse Conditions

Conditions become Worse from noise, light, touch, jar, from lying down, 3 P. M. and after midnight, right side.

Clinical Guidelines for Belladonna

Belladonna, like Chamomila, and Cina seems especially- useful for children. The mental symptoms are different; the same is true of Aeon, and Bell. If with a fever the patient is drowsy or sleeping much, with sudden starts, Bell will control the fever better than Aconite.

Bell, is one of the first remedies to be thought of in violent throbbing headache, acute diseases of the brain, see “Guiding Symptoms.”
In sore throat which is dry and highly inflamed with slight exudation, such as follows severe colds.
In scarlet fever Bell, easily stands first both as a curative and preventive remedy. The character of the eruption and the appearance of the skin is very characteristic and an important guide for Bell.

In acute diseases of children, the choice is often between Bell, and Acon. The mental symptoms are very different.

In Bell, senses are all very acute and yet with a tendency to drowsiness. It is chiefly useful in acute diseases and the trained observer will discover many of the more important symptoms by the appearance and action of the patient; the remedy is prompt in action and should be given less frequently or discontinued when the patient is improved.

In semi-chronic and constitutional diseases Calcara Carb. will often have the preference over Bell. Both are very similar in action and both are indispensable in the treatment of children.

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