A to Z Homeopathic Medicines List with Disease​

Homeopathic Remedies are used to cure the cause, symptoms, and diseases. But whenever you try to treat yourself with homeopathic medicines.

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Homeopathic Medicines List with Disease

Here is the list of diseases wise homeopathic remedies that are commonly used. Below is the Homeopathic Medicines list with diseases. Here is Disease wise Homeopathic Medicines List A to Z

Table of Contents

List of Disease wise Homeopathic Remedies and Symptoms

Homeopathic Medicines List

Symptoms, Causes, and Diseases

Abies Nigra Stomach Pain After Eating, Indigestion problem due to Smoking and Tea
 Abrotanum Marasmus, Malnutrition occurring in infants and young children, Poor Muscle Development, Alter Diahorea, and muscle pain, Change in Constipation and Diarrhea
Acid Phosphoricum (Acid Phos) Memory Weakness, Grey Hair, Alopecia, Diabetes, Impotency
Aconitum NapplusInstant Symptoms, Shock, Fever, Influenza, Death Fear
AlfalfaAppetizer, Anemia, Immunity, Weight Gainer
Allium Cepa Tearing of Eyes, Dripping of Nose, Cold, and Hay Fever, Nostrils Irritation
Antimonium CrudumCorn, Stomach Pain, Baby Colic Disorder, Bloating after eating, Diarrhea alternates with constipation, Desire of acid and pickles
Ammonium CarbonicumDischarge of Sharp, Burning Water. Stoppage at night with long-continued coryza. Can’t breathe through the nose. snuffles of children
 Apis Mellifica Honey Bee Stings, Insect Bites, Burning and Swelling
 Argentum NitricumFear, Nervous Excitement, Exam Nerves, Headache, Colic, and Dizziness
 Arnica Best in Sports Medicine and First Aid Remedy

Shock, Trauma, injury pain, Bruises, Physical Exhaustion, Muscle Ache, Insomnia, overtiredness

 Arsenicum AlbumCold, Flu, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Food Poisoning, Stomach Disorder
Avena SativaCentral Nervous System, Insomnia, Drugs Addiction, Metal Sickness especially for the young generation
 BaptisiaTyphoid Fever
 BelladonnaVertigo, Severe Headache, Swollen Joints, Fever and Pains
BromiumRespiratory Disorders like thyroid glands, chronic cold with nose soreness
Baryta Carbonica Marasmus, Enlarged prostate Glands of Adults, Body Glands
Bryonia AlbumPainful Dry Cough and Lips, Irritability, Thirst for Cold Drinks, Joint Pains, Cough and Pleurisy
 Calcarea Carbonica  (Calcium Carbonicum ) Skin Itches, indigestion, Cracked Skin, Tooth Ache, Acidity, Forehead Sweeting, Obesity
 Calendula Officinalis Swelling, Inflammation, Rash, Skin Itching, Wounds, Dryness
 Calcium Floritum (Calcarea Flour) Tumor, Joint Contraction, Bones, Tissue Remedy for Heart
 Cantharis Burn, Swelling, Sunburn
 Carbo Vegetabilis (Carbo Veg)Indigestion, Harness (Harsh Voice), Vertigo, Nausea
 Camphora Counterirritant, Fungal Infections of Toenails, Cold sores, Hemorrhoids, and Warts.
 ChamomillaThe best remedy for Children especially for teething difficulties, Anger and Irritability, Toothache, Middle Ear Infections
ColocynthisConstipation, Liver and Gallbladder problems, Colic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Indigestion
Cuprum Metallicum  Leg and Muscle Cramps, Spasmodic Infections, Intermittent Pain, Nausea
 Drosera Asthma, Cough, Lungs Infection, Stomach Ulcers
Euphrasia Officinalis Congestion of Nose, Sinuses, and Eyes – Inflammation of Eye Styes, Eyelids, Eye Fatigue Symptoms, and other eye disorders
 Echinacea Useful for Poisonous Effects, Acne, Abscesses, Itchiness, Pimples
Ferrum PhosphoricumHaemorrhages and Nosebleed, Headache with Fever, Deafness from cold, Ear pain, Vomiting after eating
 GelsemiumJoint Pain and Fever, Influenza, Sneezing, Vertigo, Flu, Flushing, Aching, Trembling, Sore Throat
 GraphitesDandruff, Cracked Finger Tips, Skin problems, Earache, Itching, Cracked Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis
 Hepar SulphMouth & gums pain, painful neck swelling, burning, Swelling & itching sensation, cold cough, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands
 HypericumInjuries especially nerves, fingers, toes & nails. Bites of animals, tingling, burning & numbness
 Ipecacuanha Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Indigestion of food
 Ignatia AmaraSymptoms of Stress, Anxiety or emotions. Hypersensitivity to light, noises, pain and emotions
 Iodium (Jodum)curing ailments related to appetite and thirst. Great appetite but gets thinner, Dwindling of mammary glands to Increase breast size
 Iris VersThyroid, pancreas, salivary, intestinal glands, and gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, Increase the flow of bile Sick headaches and cholera morbus 
 Iris TenaxAppendicitis, Fever, Headache, Home-sickness, Obsession, Perityphlitis, Sleeplessness, Stomatitis, Vomiting, Xerostomi (Dry Mouth due to insufficient saliva)
 JABORANDINatural hair tonic, hair fall, hair baldness, helps in the treatment for perspiration, stomach disorder, such as diarrhea 
 JalapaItching, soreness of anus. Symptoms of coryza, Diarrhoea, Gout, Fainting &Restlessness. 
JusticiaRespiratory system Issues. Treats excessive cough in people affected by coryza and dyspnea as well as improves breathing. It reduces coughing and eases chest congestion.
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