21 Homeopathy Medicines for Indigestion, Acidity & Heartburn

You want something and you have that mouthwatering in front of you. Your digestive system start working, as your mouth starts salivating.

Table of Contents

How Digestive System Works?

It helps to make your digestive process in action to start working, by moving the food and liquid through GI Tract.
You food passes through Oesophagus to Stomach. Stomach Holds the food and works as grinder and mixer. It helps your food to break down into a paste type liquid.

You Don't Have Gastric Problem? 
Then Find Complete List homeopathic medicine with Diseases

Why is the Digestion important?

The digestion process is very important for our body. Because our body needs nutrients to stay well healthy and fit. Nutrients are obtained from food and drink mostly. But some important nutrients can be gained by different other sources.
Some Basic but most important nutrients are

  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Vitamins
  • Water
  • Minerals
  • Carbohydrates

If your body is not consuming these nutrients by digesting the food properly. Then you might be able to get sick and weak with different diseases time by time.

How Can We Treat Indigestion and Gastric Problem?

If you are having indigestion and gas and your Stomach in not in order. Then you might need some treatment. But before having a treatment you must have to try these steps.

  • Control your overdose of Food
  • Do walk regularly after the meal.
  • Drink water before you finished your meal
  • Eat Dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed
  • Try to Eat Dairy products to control the Acidity
  • Please try to destroy your fast food habit.
  • Try to drink fresh juice (better not to do drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic)
  • Get a cup of milk before sleep

So, these tips might not be working for you. Because you need a proper medication for this.

Complete List of Cure for Communicable Diseases

Homeopathy for Indigestion

Indigestion the very common problem in the days. We are living in the era of junk and unhealthy food. Everyone wants Pizza and burgers with coke. But they don’t want to know that how such foods can harm their body health and make them sick.
Due to this, Indigestion Patients in the USA increased over 50% of the population.

I will recommend using the Treatment of Homeopathy for indigestion. Because Homeopathic Medicines can help you fastly to control the stomach acidity and heartburn.

Homeopathic Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn is burning feeling in the chest. Heartburn can be caused due to

  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Drinks
  • Spicy food
  • Smoking
  • Junk Food

Homeopathic treatment is working best for hut burn. Here are some Top Homeopathic Remedies List A to Z for Gastric Treatment. Below you can find 21 Best Homeopathic Medicine for acidity and constipation.

1- Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is one of the Best Homeopathic remedy for Acidity.
Gastritis, Constipation, Vomiting.
Dysentery situation

2- Carbo Vegetabilis

Gas & Asthma. Intestine not working properly. If gas is at the upper part of the abdomen

3. China Officinalis

Stomach is full of Gas. Works best for gas in the complete abdomen

4. Lycopodium

Gas in lower of the abdomen.

5. Pulsatilla

Dry mouth, bitter taste but the patient is not thirsty

6. Sulphur

Heat from Feet and Hands of Gastric Patient

7. Natrum Carbonicum

Digesting and ingesting food problem. Stomach Ulcer.
Can’t take restricted foods.

8. Kali Carbonicum

Dyspepsia of old people; burning acidity, bloating. Gastric disorders from ice-water.

9. Kali Bichromicum

Dyspepsia and indigestion of beer drinker. Digestion stops after taking a meal. Food feels as load.

10. Graphites

Constipation, Burning cramps in the upper part of abdomen with the disgusting smell of Releasing gases.

11. Argentum Nitricum

Loud Belching

12. Natrum Phosphoricum

Sour taste with sour felling even sour blech

13. Robina

Rapid Digestion. Acidity. Acrid Eructations. Greenish Vomiting. Gastric pain with acid vomiting

14. Arsenicum Album

Nausea and Vomiting sudden after eating. Vomiting of Blood and bile.
Stomach ache after eating a little portion of food.

15. Phosphorus

Hunger and Desire for food after taking a meal. Yellow Spots on the abdomen.
Whenever the Patient Lies on the left side, Patient feels the desire for stool. Weakness after stool.
Stomach Inflammation with burning from bowels to the throat.

16. Antimonium Crudum

Appetite loss. The desire for Acids, spicy and pickles.
Gastric and intestine complaints after eating
Acidic food and drinks
Hot weather
Cold bathing
Hot water

17. Bryonia

Nausea and Dizziness while waking up
Abnormal Hunger with taste loss
Sore Stomach while coughing
Sensitive to touch
Hard and dry stool in constipation

18. Colocynthis

Bitter Taste
Rough tongue feels burning with hot liquid

19. Magnesia Phosphorica

Thirst for the cold drink
High cough
Sore throat with stiffness especially right side parts are puffy
Constipation due to Gas and indigestion

20. Belladonna

Sour Taste with tongue burning and swelling in throats and tonsillitis
Expelling gas from the stomach through the mouth with felling to vomit
Stomach Cramps
Uncontrollable vomiting

21. Hepar Sulfur

Disliking Fast Food. The desire of Acid, Pickles, wine and acids.
Stomach swelling
Expelling tasteless and odorless gases from the stomach through Mouth (eructation).
Chronic Abdominal condition
Powerless even to expel soft stool.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Heartburn, Gas and Stomach Disorder

You might be wondering that which one is the best Homeopathic Medicine for GASTRIC Treatment.
So, I am going to Clear up Your Mind that best Homeopathic Medicine for Indigestion, Stomach disorder, Gas, Acidity, and heartburn is Sulfur and Nux Vomica.

Take Sulfur in Morning while Nux Vomica in Night. This the best Treatment for heartburn and acidity. It works perfectly Especially for the old cases.

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