Disease of the Skin – Skin Disease Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The normal skin is smooth, presenting a slightly oily surface, and free from the extremes of color, heat or coldness.

During the presence of fever, the skin becomes hot, dry and flushed. In acute diseases, if the skin becomes moist, especially after giving a remedy, it is a most favorable sign.

In sub-acute or chronic diseases when the skin becomes cold, with a perspiration that is cold, clammy and profuse, the situation may be full of danger, especially if the pulse is weak and irregular. The color of the skin in disease often aids in diagnosis and in the selection of a remedy.

Thus, the face is red and flushed, especially in scarlet fever and in acute diseases of the brain and lungs. In anemia, fainting, and collapse it is pale. The cheeks near the center are flushed with hectic fever and during prolonged suppuration.

In asthma and heart disease the skin often becomes blue and livid, also in collapse. The yellow-greenish color of the skin is a sign of disease or torpor of the liver, and jaundice.

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A sallow, pale, anemic skin may indicate some form of cancer, chlorosis, or the worst form of dyspepsia. There are varieties of eruptions on the face which are characteristic of some diseases, and which have not been mentioned under eruptive diseases.

The frequent, annoying eruption on the face of young boys and girls approaching puberty, in the form of pimples, black pores, or even pustules. The persistent scabby, unhealable sore that appears about the nose or lips and, untreated, terminates in the epithelium, a form of cancer; the “copper-colored” spots that like earmarks, dot the face of the subject suffering from secondary syphilis; all may serve as pointers to both a diagnosis and a remedy.

It is quite as true that the appearance of the face furnishes evidence of disease, as it is that the facial expression is often a fair index of the individual. The functions of the skin are many and all important, and when kept in a normal condition it is a conservator of health and protection from disease.

The nomenclature of skin diseases is well-imminent past understanding. Not a few authorities give different and bewildering names to the same ailment. The number of real diseases of the skin is not large, and only such as are somewhat prevalent will be mentioned here.

Many of the so-called “skin diseases” are really nothing more than symptomatic of some internal, constitutional taint which must be treated with proper internal remedies before the skin disease will disappear.

Herein lie the fallacy and danger of external treatment, the result of which is often serious because of transferring the disease from the skin to some more vital part, (by no means a cure), where it may in time become the seat of an organic and incurable disease.

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Doubtless abnormalities of the skin would almost disappear if every individual possessed a healthy, normal constitution. This may perhaps even include the skin diseases of parasitic origin, which indeed are few. (See local treatment and its dangers).

The marvelous protection from disease, by the delicate normal skin, when fully intact, is one of the wisest provisions of Creative Intelligence. That the normal skin can be safely exposed to almost every form of corruption and disease, with no protection except that given by nature, is equally marvelous.

This much is said to emphasize the vast importance of caring for the skin and guarding against the appalling results that often come from injuries to it, which, however slight, may permit septic and toxic material to enter the system, with alarming results.

In prescribing for diseases of the skin, it will often be found necessary to seek for indications that lie deeper than the skin. As for instance, the habits of the individual, diet, constipation, hereditary taint, etc.

It is the same principle that has so often been emphasized in this treatise, that the individual as a whole must be taken into consideration, whenever the prescriber aims at a rapid and permanent cure.

Below here is the list of skin diseases with their causes and symptoms. Moreover, Tied up Diseases of skin remedies are also listed.

Table of Contents

ECZEMA Causes and Symptoms

This is by far the most frequent and important of all diseases of the skin. It occurs often in childhood when the skin is delicate and susceptible. It is non-contagious, often chronic in form.

It begins with redness or inflammation of the skin, either in small patches or diffused over the cheeks or hands. Very soon small vesicles or blisters appear, attended by intolerable itching and burning. This is soon followed by the formation of yellowish or dry, gummy crusts or pustules.

In the case of children and even of adults in the more severe cases the itching is so great that no restraint is sufficient to prevent scratching of the parts, which causes a mingling of blood, pus, and scabs that produces a most repulsive visage.

In this way, the disease is implanted in different parts of the body. It is sometimes divided according to the parts affected, but little value or importance attaches to this. The face is most frequently attacked in children, the hands of adults. The prognosis so far as life is concerned is favorable, but the exact duration of the disease remains an unknown quantity.

The question of its cause or causes is still being argued by the best authorities. Some deny that it is hereditary, others affirm that it is to be classed among parasitic diseases, though no micro-organism has yet been discovered.

Some practical facts are established, and only such should find a place in this treatise. The free use of poor soap, or even too much soaping and scrubbing of the sensitive skin of babies, will cause an attack.

The hands of washerwomen are a good illustration, for it is found that the disease most frequently occurs among them. Overfeeding of too rich food, especially the fats, cream, etc., is another cause.

Eczema may follow from vaccination. Where a constitutional tendency is acquired through heredity. Otherwise, it needs only some slight exciting cause to produce the disease.

Eczema Treatment

The response from the use of internal remedies is not always as prompt as the patient desires, and the physician, too, may feel the same way. This rather adds soothe time required to cure and leads to a frequent change of remedies and general confusion.

When a remedy has been well selected, it is best before discontinuing the same to change to a higher potency. So far as the external treatment is concerned it should be confined to non-medicinal substances or such soothing articles as powdered starch, or talcum powder.

The use of soap and water will invariably aggravate and, especially in the case of infants, should be managed with great caution or omitted for a time.

Eczema Homeopathic Remedies

The following remedies have proven most valuable. Ars., Apis, Graph, Hep. Sul., Rhus Tox., Sul.

Arsenicum – Dry, scaly surface with slight secretion but intense burning and itching of the parts; apt to be worse at night and better from warmth.

Apis Mellifica – Small, watery patches with much stinging and itching, face especially. About eyes may be swollen or puffy.

Calc. carb. – In scrofulous, fat, light-haired children inclined to glandular swellings and disease of the bones. The eruption is dry, and thick scabs on the face and head.

Graphites – Surfaces exude a tenacious, sticky secretion, especially about the ears and face often indicated.

Hepar Sulf – In cases inclined to become chronic or recur after nearly cured. The discharge is often pus and offensive. Worse from being touched or from cold air. All injuries incline to suppuration.

Rhus tox – Surface red, blistered in places, covered with scaly, yellowish-looking substance. Itching and restlessness prevent sleep.

Sulphur – A few doses of Sul. may be given at the start or during the course of treatment, especially if there is evidence of Scrofula or any tendency to become chronic. Similar to Hepar sulfur.


Herpes is a cutaneous affection characterized by a group or number of small blisters or vesicles about the size of a hemp seed or very small pea. After a period of five to eight days, they dry, leaving an irritated surface covered more or less with crusts and sometimes pus.

Types of Herpes

There are several varieties of Herpes, at least in the books, but seemingly more on account of location than of any essential difference. When the disease is located about the mouth or lips, it is called herpes facials. This is a most common location, and it often follows or accompanies severe colds and especially pneumonia.


This is the most painful form of herpes. It attacks the body near the waistline and may involve one or both sides. The small, pearl-like blisters make their appearance along the line of a spinal nerve, giving the semblance of a belt of pearls.

The eruption may be preceded by chills, fever, and lassitude. Its eruption lasts from one week to ten days. In some cases, ulceration follows, also a most painful neuralgia involving the seat of the eruption. The parts become exceedingly sensitive to the touch, while sharp pains follow up the spinal nerves.

Another form of Herpes occurs in different parts of the body, always taking a circular form resembling. It is often confounded with “Ringworm”. Which is quite a different disease.

The latter being of a parasitic origin, hence contagious. Whereas herpes is neither. While all forms of herpes are made most manifest by a disease of the skin, it is likewise certain that in some way it is related to, or caused by some abnormal condition of the nerves distributed over the parts involved.

Herpes Zoster – Shingles Treatment

The disease, as a rule, is self-limited and void of danger. A few remedies have been found useful. Rupture of the little blisters should be avoided if possible, for when this happens the parts are slow to heal and often cause the most painful neuralgia to follow.

Some protection of the parts by means of a silk handkerchief, or absorbent cotton, will serve a good purpose.

Homeopathic Remedies For Herpes Zoster

The remedies that may be of use are chiefly, Aeon, Apis, Canth., China, Crot., Tig., Rhus Tox. and Spigelia.

In the early stage where the fever and restlessness require, Aeon., or Ars. may subdue the force of the disease.

If the blisters burn and sting, Apis., Canth. and Crot. Tig. will afford some relief.

If about the mouth, Nat. M., Ars., Hep., Sid.

For the painful neuralgia, Spig. and China will often be indicated. Should any relief be afforded by the external application of some dusting powder, like corn starch, talcum, or rice flour, they may be used freely without harm.

 Ringworm (scalp and body)

This disease is known and often recognized by its circular form; occurring most frequently on the face, neck, and head. It resembles the disease sycosis or “barber’s itch,” both in superficial appearance and causation, for both are very contagious and often spread by careless and uncleanly barbers, also the use in the family of a common towel.

Symptoms of Ringworm

The skin becomes somewhat red and covered more or less with a fine, dry, scaly formation which in some cases, especially about the beard, becomes a thick crust. There is more or less itching and burning. The treatment as a whole is not very satisfactory.

Treatment of Ringworms

As Ring-Worm is a highly contagious, parasitic disease of the skin, it has often been found necessary to use an application to destroy the parasite. This may be done by scrubbing the parts, twice a day, with green soap and hot water, after which, paint the part with a weak solution of Iodine.

Homeopathic medicines for Ringworm

The Sulphur ointments cure some cases, giving at the same time Sulphur in Homeopathic doses, internally.

Sepia has cured some cases and may follow the use of Sulphur.

URTICARIA (Nettle-Rash.)

The name of this disease is most fortunate, as it conveys a good idea of its appearance, symptoms, and pathology.

The peculiar elevation of a wheel-shaped eruption so resembles that caused by contact with the common nettle that the difference cannot be easily determined. Furthermore, the burning, itching, stinging pain bears a like resemblance. There is also a resemblance to a bee sting, or the bite of some poisonous insect, as a spider or flea, etc

Symptoms of URTICARIA (Nettle-Rash.)

The elevated, wheel-like blotch or eruption, usually appears suddenly and may spread over the limbs and body. It often disappears in the same way, leaving no trace of its presence.

The disease is quite common, and its diagnosis will be easily made. Its duration is from a few hours to a few days, and the prognosis always favorable. Among the direct, or exciting causes may be mentioned the eating of certain kinds of food, which in connection with individual idiosyncrasies will produce an attack. Such articles as seafood, pungent spices, and strawberries, are those aptest to do so. Mental excitement, fright, grief, and anger may cause an attack.

Medical Treatment of Urticaria

The use of internal remedies only should constitute the treatment.

Homeopathic Remedy for Urticaria

Apis Mellifica – Often sufficient. The stinging, burning pains predominate.

Arsenicum Album – The eruption burns like fire. Patient restless, full of fear and apprehension, cannot rest anywhere generally worse after midnight.

Hepar sulfur – Useful in frequently returning or chronic form.

Urtica Urens – Symptoms similar to Apis, stinging and burning. This remedy approaches a specific, and in the absence of indications for others, it may be given.

SCABIES (Skin Itch)

This disease, commonly called ‘itch,” is caused by an animal parasite which burrows itself through the thinner and outer portion of the skin, where it finds a habitation and deposits its eggs.

This is a short time causes pimples, vesicles and pustules to appear, all attended with intense itching that may continue day and night often worse during the latter.

Symptoms of Scabies

By the process of scratching, the fingernails become charged with the disease or parasite which is speedily transferred to different parts of the body or to a second party. The disease seems to flourish best in the midst of dirt and filth where there is little disposition or opportunity for giving proper care to the surface of the body.

During the late war in this country and for some years thereafter, a disease sprang up through camp life and unsanitary conditions, called “army-itch,” which was doubtless true scabies.

In dealing with this disease two things confront us.

  1. The destruction of the parasite
  2. The use of such remedies as will best remove or repair the injuries caused by it.

Treatment of Scabies (Skin itch)

The use of sulphur and mercurial ointments seem to accomplish the form every promptly. The patient should take a warm water bath in the evening and when the surface becomes dry and warm.

The ointment should be applied over the whole body and allowed to remain for 24 hours, after which repeat the bath and ointment as before. The third application should be sufficient to destroy the parasite.

Homeopathic Remedies for Scabies Treatment

The use of the homeopathic remedy should begin with the above treatment and continue for sometime after.

Unless special indications call for other homeopathic remedies, the treatment may begin with the use of Sulphur internally, to be followed by Hepar Sulf. or other remedies best indicated.

Precautions for Skin Diseases Patients

Patient suffering from itch should be supplied with separate towels, handkerchiefs, bed, etc.

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