Chamomilla Homeopathic Medicine

Chamomilla is most frequently used for children who get irritated & annoyed due to unbearable pain of teething.

Chamomilla Homeopathic Medicine

Table of Contents

Symptoms for Chamomilla

Some of the mental symptoms along with physical pain are following

  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Sensitiveness with unbearable pain
  • Impassive with pain
  • Restlessness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Severe Diarrhoea during teething

Uses of Chamomilla

Annoyed and Irritated child:

Chamomile is the most frequently used remedy in children than adults. Children get irritated, restless, suffering from colic (distension of abdomen) and unbearable pain during teething.

Such kind of child wants to stay in lap, must be carried. They usually get annoyed and irritated when put down. They actually don’t know what they want. Adults can experience the same.

These patients don’t like others and not able to bear the pain. Patients desire for a thing and when they get it they throw it away. Their behavior toward others remains ungentle.

Diseases due to Anger:

All the diseases which are the result of anger can be cured by Chamomila. It reduces the effects of anger.

Hypersensitivity due to pain:

Chamomile is also used in hypersensitivity mostly due to pain patient feel more sensitive and suffer more sweating during the night. Pain depends on the intensity of the disease.

Remedy: One dose of the  200 potencies reduce the effects of pain. 

Numbness of organs:

Any kind of unbearable pain with numbness can be treated by using Chamomile. Pain could be of

  • Neuralgia
  • Baby teething pain
  • Pain after teething
  • Colic
  • Back pain

Such patients usually stay unhappy, restless and annoyed at all times.
The pain gets worse in heat but doesn’t cure in cold. If You know the situation of the pulsatilla remedy, then you have an idea that Pulsatilla patients get cured with cold.

Diarrhoea during baby teething

All of us know that during teething, babies usually suffer from severe diarrhoea and unbearable pain.

Baby teething is a painful process for baby, so that’s why chamomila is used many times to cure diarrhea.
Stool could be of could be a greenish or clay color. Feces is full of yellowish mucus which looks like broken egg or spinach.

Chamomile is a best remedy which can help to settle pain of child experiencing from teething and colic.

Rheumatic pain and sleeplessness

Pain is so severe that the patient has to get up from the bed and start to walk around. It makes the patient restless & worried. The patient remains in the situation for a while until pain starts in stomach.

Patient is not able to sleep due to pain and get agitated. In this situation patient badly need Chamomile medicine to overcome this pain.

Ear Pain

Chamomile can also cure the ear pain due to swelling and heat.

Burning feet sensation

Some patients suffer from the burning sensation at plantar aspect of their feet.

Patient suffer more at night usually keep his/her feet out of the blanket because it make them feel better. Chamomile can provide relief in this situation and patient will feel relaxed.


In children Chamomile with potency 30 can reduce effect of burning feet.
In Adults Chamomile with potency 30 & 200 can be used to treat that burning sensation at night.


  • When someone carry child in lap.
  • During hot and wet weather.


  • Due to anger
  • Due to exposure of fresh air
  • At night in bed
  • In winter, due to cold weather