Arsenicum Album is one of the most used homeopathic medicines. Many Homeopaths also refer to this medicine for the cure of common symptoms of cold, flu & sneezing.

Mostly Homeopaths recommend Ars Alb as the precautionary medicine for the corona epidemic situation.
In Pakistan & India, Homeopathic Doctors continue giving Arsenic Album Homeopathic remedy as a precaution to save the people from the effects of the Novel-Corona Virus known as COVID-19 spread.
The most common symptom of this medicine is that the patient’s body is sensitive to cold except head while the head becomes sensitive towards the heat.
Here you can checkout the Complete List of Homeopathic Remedies
Common Uses of Arsenicum Album
- The patient feels restlessness and has a continuous fear of death.
- The patient should have a thirst and he drinks water a little later.
- The juicy fruits and ice cause indigestion.
- While severe pain and restlessness change their place continuously.
- The patient seeks a chance to attempt suicide.
- Ars Alb homeopathic remedy works even in typhoid.
- It is also helpful in severe temperatures.
- If the patient has fat on the heart and as a result, the heart spreads.
- This medicine proves helpful for those who are addicted to tobacco.
- It is also very helpful for asthma patients.
- The pain of the asthma patient increases at night.
- Cough which gets intense at midnight and also starts when the person lays on the stomach.
- Eating vegetables watermelon and juicy fruits increase the pain.
- This medicine also helps in when indigestion occurs due to taking vinegar, eating ice cream, drinking cold water and having tobacco.
- The patient has cravings for coffee, milk and sour things.
- The patient can not bear the smell of food even he doesn’t even want to see the food.
- The nose of the patient started bleeding.
- The patient feels irritation in eyes, the water comes from the eyes, and the patient doesn’t want to sit in the light.
- The patient has a head coach. he feels relief in the cold while all other pain of such patient increases in the cold.
- Arsenic album homeopathic medicine can give relief at the time of death.